Documentary Plays

Seventeen documentary plays broadcast by Radio Telefis Eireann Treasure House Series (1978-1992) These include Daibhidh O'Bruadair, Poet and one of the Last of The Irish Bards, Miss Horniman and the Abbey Theatre, Charles J. Kickham, Hilaire Belloc, The Man in White - Henri Dunant of the Red Cross, F. Scott Fitzgerald - The American Novelist and Frederic Ozanam Founder of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

BBC short stories

One of the great things about writing plays/dialogue is you get an added thrill when they are professionally produced, then your characters really come alive when an actor dramatically speaks your words over the radio or on stage. I have always been drawn to radio, finding it more satisfying to create my own images as I listen to dialogue. Funny moment when an inebriated actor playing the part of 12 year old F. Scott Fitzgerald in my play came over the air sounding more like Al Capone!

Amongst over twenty short stories twelve stories are broadcast on BBC Belfast including A Certain Status read by Shakespearian actor Harold Goldblatt, The Straw Hat which I chose for the cover of my short story collection of that name with the claim First Heard on the BBC, The House inspired by my mother's obsession with owning her own house, The Box Bed inspired by my father's memories of growing up with his grandfather in rural Ireland, and Sister Enda's Lamb, my own memory of Christmastime in the Montessori school leading up the excitement of Christmas.

These more literary short stories with two prizewinning stories Ashes and Menomadness are included in The Mask and Other Stories. Extract from Menomadness, winner of Image/Oil of Ulay short story competition.